Thursday, September 18, 2008


I cannot believe how my day went today. We have a lot of new kids right now, almost half of them. They are still in the transition period. They are so sad, poor kids. Between outside time and lunch, most of the new ones were already tired. Can you imagine half my 12 kids were screaming? Some were crying and some were screaming for their food. Oh my, oh my! I cannot hear myself anymore. But I needed to be patient. After awhile they got their food they calm down. Oh, thank you. It was more peaceful during nap time. And I needed to clean up the classroom and wash all the toys. It hurt my back. Sometimes, I really wanted to quit in times like this. But I need a job. I need money for my family. Its always family. Yes of course. I was thinking of different kind of job but I don’t know what job. Makabuang… Ahhhhhhh……

1 comment:

Vivien said...

Hi Ghe! Nanaghan imo mga bata. Samot naka ug ka busy diha. Kaalegre ba, magdungan man ug hilak tawn. hehe