Friday, February 29, 2008


Oh, I’m so glad that it’s Friday night already. It means two days off work are coming. I had rough weekdays. I worked most of the days this week by myself with 7 toddlers. So much work to do being by yourself. Plus I had to work overtime too. Not a bad thing though, since I need money to help my family. But I’m so tired and my body hurts. Huhuhu… Thanks that I have this friend of mine, the Efficascent Oil. I always have Efficascent Oil at home. It helps ease my body pain. But every time I use it, my husband would always say, “Hmmm stinky perfume”. He does not like the smell of it. To him it stinks but to me I like the smell of it. But he understands though the reason why I’m using it. So, I never stopped.

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