Monday, June 14, 2010


Monday, first work day of the week. This is not my favorite day at all. It is so stressful most of the time and of course it is a long wait for the weekend. Today was one of those days. My little kids went crazy and were not listening. Well, I could not expect them to listen totally since they are just a year old. But they do a good job most of the time except for today. Usually, when we are coming back in to our classroom from our outside time, they just follow us and get in line and everything but today they went everywhere. They were running around and were ignoring us when we call their names. Plus we have 3 kids who don’t walk and we have to hold them. Gosh! What a pain. But at least I made it until the last minute. I hope that tomorrow is going to be a good one. I hope.

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